Netizens can seldom do away with add-ons. The citizens too have joined the add-on bandwagon not in the tech world but in real life. Writing on a city wall reflects this- Roti, Kapada, Makan and Condom, “Food, Clothing, Shelter and Condom”. Thanks to the advertisement and promos, condoms and pills are the latest add-ons to the basic necessities of life.

The governments around the globe and NGO’s promote contraceptives in the name of birth control and to check sexually transmitted diseases. The individuals on the other hand go for it to make full use of the marital mandate. In a utility centred world, it’s the individual’s happiness that decides that rightness or wrongness of an action. So the justification of the use of contraceptives has more takers than the ones who oppose it. The hue and cry to protect the marine life in the BP oil spill or to protect the wild animals have celebrity endorsements and massive campaigns. But when it comes to protecting the dignity ad value of human life, the feeble voice of Catholic Church is dumped in the cacophony of pragmatists and utilitarians. You don’t need to scan through the philosophy and theology of Catholic Church to bat against the use of contraceptive and abortion, you simply need common sense. If you started getting a feel of me as a Catholic hardliner, read on, my arguments are based on rational, common sense perspective.

Abortion is not about killing the child in mother’s womb, but also any act that disrupts or harms the sperm or the ovum that has the potential to give life. So the use of contraceptive does become an act of abortion!!While the young and the old hunt for the best brand of condom/Pill, what is at stake is the richness and dignity of human life. Along with the contraceptive add-on, the following add-on’s will accompany you:

Navigation Disrupter Add-on
Navigating along life’s ups and downs is an art. The choice of a contraceptive over natural family planning would be a drastic step with respect to successfully navigating along one’s life. The Natural Family Planning arises from the mutual understanding and acceptance of the partners. When contraceptives begin filling the place, the emotions are let loose and the natural instincts gains control over the rational faculties. The effect of this failure will be reflected in other instances in life and they become people guided by emotion side stepping rationality.

Decision Blinder Add-on
Decision making plays a vital role in one’s life. A question that haunts the most newlyweds that go for contraceptives is, “When should we have a baby? As resources becomes the bench mark to signal the arrival of a newborn and given the fact that no man can ever be satisfied with respect or resource, the couples turn out to be poor decision makers.

Adoption Add-on
The couples are blinded by contraceptives in their decision making process, of having their own children. When they open their eyes, it would be too late for them and the result is Adoption. The rise in number of adoption especially celebrity adoptions reminds of this dangerous trend. In the long run, the need for marriage too will be questioned, as one can have sexual pleasures, without the help of a partner, and can adopt babies too!

Attitude Denier Add-on
It was the attitude and not the resources that governed the minds of parents when they had ten to fifteen children. The parents didn’t save anything for themselves, but utilised everything for the benefit of children. I still remember my dad telling me after putting me into the best school of the town, “I have no bank balance; you are the bank in which I have invested everything.” Children should not be a result of excess of resources but the attitude/willingness of parents to sacrifice and share. The fact that children inherit values from their parents shouldn’t be forgotten.

Dummy Depender Add-on
Shopping Control for Dummies, Decision making for Dummies…the Dummies are flying off the shelves. Driven by emotion, with use of contraceptives and relying on one’s own power- the sole helper of the Gen-X is the Dummies. But how long and how many Dummy books would they buy?

Guru Acceptor Add-on
Even though most of the new age gurus are on the run for rape and other charges, the craze for going after gurus are on e the rise. Afew breathing exercises, a kiss, sweet and shrewd advices that evades the issues like contraception …what more is needed to have more followers. The religion that talks facts straight seems to be at the receiving end. Time will testify the truth, let’s keep the fingers crossed.

Abortion Promoter Add-on
Once contraceptives are used, the abortion becomes easy to justify. If you can stop and destroy artificially, the life giving fluids before it reaches mother, why can’t we stop the child before it comes out of the mother’s womb? One catastrophe will surely lead to the other and set off a chain reaction.

Contraceptives challenge the very arrival of human life in this world. When the whole world bats for going green and turning natural, why don’t we promote the Natural family planning? Going all out for protecting nature pushing the human nature to oblivion is an absurdity. The far reaching consequences have started showing up. It’s high time we stand up for life, not simply life, Human life.

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